You will find here - ~writings and musing of mine ~writings and musings of friends of mine... While at times the names will remain annyomous to protect the not so innocent ...You will read, ponder, relate, cry, rage and at times be - completely be bewildered ... Perfect... Mission Accomplished! "purpose of a journal... to pour out ones soul... purpose of finding a journal... to understand that soul" gel june08
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Trust... a request
Monday, December 28, 2009

Saturday, December 19, 2009
Decembers Dream
As the snow glistens under the suns caress
her mind takes off its velvet dress…
Revealing memories long locked away
Memories of an ice melting day
Watching waves crash on the shore
Souls crying … more
Hearts heeding loves embrace
Another time… another place
Memories racing… caution caught by wind
Pictures so vivid she felt … sinned
Slowly the mist closed in… pages faded…
Leaving a glow of memories unjaded
Her mind adorned its dress again…
Decembers Dream closes …
much to her chagrin
GEL December 19th 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009
Today a special post to me on my Special Day
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
As we grow...
your words spoke of all the things you notice and fear...
your body's the years elapse and we age.
Time is a relentless will get us all in the end.
Not of us are immune from the effects it hason life and limb...
no antidote for the symptoms we dread.
We are all different..none the same
we will all face the end of lifeon our own terms...
We cannot hide in fearor cower from the its inevitability...
afraid it will get will.
That is a given.
Life is for the living.
We must face it as it comes.
The earth in fresh...
the flowers bloom...
their fragrance calls to us...
the lambs gambol in the leas...
songbirds herald the each day's sunrise...
and the bees buzz as they do we all.
Damn the wrinkles...
Damn those minor aches and pains...
Damn that halting step...
Dry those self- pitying tears...
take a deep breath...fill your lungs with life...
and run...
don't walk...
Don't look back...our life lies ahead of us.
There will be a price to pay...
but, damn the cost...
keep running...
until we are bathed in the golden glow of twilight
and be laid to rest at last...knowing...we have lived!!
Saturday, December 12, 2009
The Dance
Saturday, December 5, 2009
They don't make waves...
"We must be good!"
Your vibrant soul they never see...i
t radiates to ones like me.
Your souls your sensuality...the glow you show...
create in me.
We are connected...
you and I have appreciating eye.
This vibrancy "It must be squelched!"
from lesser hearts this bitter belch.
Unlock your heart...
you're meant to fly...
birds of a and I
.I mean not to disrupt your life...
or add to it one ounce of strife
but as you soar in spite of heat...
your company's what I entreat.
You will not be misunderstood...
we will will be good
I'll always get your point of view...
know why you do the things you do.
Another friend I welcome most...
on this voyage, let me be your host.
We'll talk about such
sinful things of lustful spirits... beating wings. FGSB
when forgiveness is not an option
So I won’t be reaching out no more
I asked for your help in a unobtrusive way
But you locked me out you lost the key
I asked for acceptance in your eyes
But you turned away so I couldn’t see
~~Yes I reached out to you - but you closed The door
so I won’t, no, I won’t be reaching no more
I saw your eyes before you turned away –
You locked that door you lost that key
So now with aching heart I lift my head
Tears fall down – I feel the sun
I feel its warmth its warm embrace
I tried to open the window of the door you closed
I asked for forgiveness…
You refused to let it go
So now to have peace I need to let this go…
~~Yes I reached out to you - but you closed the door
so I won’t, no, I won’t be reaching no more
I saw your eyes before you turned away –
You locked that door you lost that key
So I won’t be reaching no more! GEL Nov 2009
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Letting go... too late...
She knows she has to let go
Its too hard to love anymore
As ache surrounds her
She struggles with loneliness
She hoped she would never feel again
It seeps into her soul
As she looks into his eyes
Vagueness covers love
With shaking hands she reaches
To her face
Brushing away the pieces of her heart
One sided love is never enough
Emptiness as everything slips away
He will never be true
She closed her ears and opened her heart…
Soul mate (perhaps)?
He spoke with words well rehearsed
They fell like drops of wine…
Thirsting, longing she tasted the tangled verse
Into her veins, warming, quenching
She consumed too much… too late…
Her heart bleeding
Her soul cries
The thirst begins
Cold creeps in
Gazing at the empty carafe of love
She reaches out… too late…
Tears fall from green eyes… dlw