Saturday, December 19, 2009

Decembers Dream

As the snow glistens under the suns caress

her mind takes off its velvet dress…

Revealing memories long locked away

Memories of an ice melting day

Watching waves crash on the shore

Souls crying … more

Hearts heeding loves embrace

Another time… another place

Memories racing… caution caught by wind

Pictures so vivid she felt … sinned

Slowly the mist closed in… pages faded…

Leaving a glow of memories unjaded

Her mind adorned its dress again…

Decembers Dream closes …

much to her chagrin

GEL December 19th 2009

1 comment:

  1. Its the sweetest thoughts that pierce our gloom
    and fill our hearts with tenderness as
    we ruminate on what used to be.
    It's not the hurt...
    or the cruel words...
    or the times we rasped against each other...
    ...sandpaper on soft skin...
    until we were raw to the to touch,
    that are immortalized in our thoughts,
    but the moments we touched and did not push away...
    the kisses that lingered...
    the times we had to say nothing
    ...and felt everything
    the looks that made us tremble inside...
    ...with electric longing
    made our bodies swell with expectation
    in that static moment
    ...seemingly endless
    until our touch sent us rocketing
    ...into the stratosphere.
    These are the thoughts that move me now...
    make me yearn...
    as if you're here...
    but you're not
