Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Its been awhile

Poems... sentences... half phrases 
run thru my head...
run thru my heart...
So much to say and yet 
I sit down to write my pen is still
I gaze in wonder at the beauty of the
creation that surrounds me... 
anxiously waiting for 
the ink to flow again...


  1. Shall We Dance

    betwixt the sheets
    between the folds
    of love's full bloom
    my fingers lay
    and touch upon desire
    I taste the dew
    that from you weeps
    neither of us sleeps
    no slumber tempts our eyes
    like you tempt mine
    no swain suffered such
    sweet agony
    as do I your softest stroke
    your body bears my hungry gaze
    my look alone
    sets you ablaze
    your breasts both tremor
    at my touch
    with lips you love
    with breath that sings
    silent arias to my skin
    to luxuriant tempo
    our bodies dance
    such sweet sensuous sway

  2. soothe

    the stream of oil
    refracts the light
    of candles in the room
    and lays - a gleaming line
    along your spine
    the oil is warm and redolent
    of sweet and sensate scents
    that fill our room – our bodies
    with delicious expectation
    your skin is warm
    and smoothly glides beneath my palms
    that rub and touch and soothe –
    excite you everywhere
    you wish and choose
    I make you lustrous in this light
    and cause such heat to rise inside
    you roll to face me in our bed
    your eyes aglow –
    your need alight
    and in my eyes you see
    a reflection of your own
    as I caress you where you crave
    you arch your back and bite your lip
    and lie back as I touch and please
    until too much to patient be
    you reach and I come willingly
    to share in all you offer me
    as I breathe soft upon your skin
    you moan desires
    we both will win
    your scent I savor – breathe you in
    your skin agleam in candlelight
    we are the dream
    we live tonight

  3. gentle breeze

    a gentle breeze
    blowing through sycamores
    riffling leaves
    are your words
    in my head
    giddily received
    from you by me
    no longer thoughts
    held close to your breast,
    but set free
    to bless my lips
    with a smile
